전기차 제작

Landscape 형 디지털 시계와 아날로그 시계가 포함된 HTML/JavaScript 계산기:II

coding art 2012. 1. 2. 23:37


<center><h1>Arduino HTML Magic Coding</h1></center>

.box{background-color:#3d4543;height:380px;width:520px; border-style:solid; border-color:lightblue;

.display{background-color:#222;width:440px; position:relative;

.display input{width:415px;position:relative;left:2px;top:2px;height:30px;


.button{width:40px;height:30px;border-radius:8px; border-style:solid; border-color:green;
margin-left:12px;cursor:pointer;border-top:2px solid transparent;}

border-bottom:black 2px solid;border-top:2px #6f6f6f solid;}

border-bottom:black 2px solid;}

border-bottom:black 2px solid;border-top:2px #303030 solid;}

border-bottom:black 2px solid;border-top:2px FF9933 solid;}

.gray:active{border-top:black 2px solid;
border-bottom:2px #6f6f6f solid;}

.pink:active{border-top:black 2px solid;
border-bottom:#ff4561 2px solid;}

.black:active{border-top:black 2px solid;
border-bottom:#303030 2px solid;}

.orange:active{border-top:black 2px solid;
border-bottom:FF9933 2px solid;}

cursor:pointer;border-top:2px solid transparent;}

border-bottom:lightblue 2px solid;border-top:2px 303030 solid;}



<div class="box">
<div class="display">
<input type="text" readonly size="18" id="d">

<div class="keys">
  <td><input type="button" class="button gray" value="Pi" onclick='v("3.14159")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button gray" value="(" onclick='v("(")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button gray" value=")" onclick='v(")")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="7" onclick='v("7")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="8" onclick='v("8")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="9" onclick='v("9")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button pink" value="/" onclick='v("/")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button pink" value="*" onclick='v("*")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="4" onclick='v("4")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="5" onclick='v("5")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="6" onclick='v("6")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black"value="1" onclick='v("1")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="2" onclick='v("2")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="3" onclick='v("3")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button pink" value="-" onclick='v("-")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button pink" value="+" onclick='v("+")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="0" onclick='v("0")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="." onclick='v(".")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="sin" onclick='v("Math.sin")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="cos" onclick='v("Math.cos")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="tan" onclick='v("Math.tan")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="log" onclick='v("Math.log")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button black" value="C" onclick='c("")'></td>
  <td><input type="button" class="button orange" value="=" onclick='e()'></td>


     <form name="theClock">
  <input type=text class="button buttondigiclock black" name="theDate"  style="font-size:20px;text-align: center;">
     <input type=text class="button buttondigiclock black" name="theTime"  style="font-size:20px;text-align: center;">
  <body onload="updateTime()">
     <!-- viewBox is coordinate system, width and height are on-screen size -->
     <svg id="clock" viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="100" height="100">

       <circle id="face" cx="50" cy="50" r="45"/> <!-- the clock face -->
       <circle id="smallface" cx="150" cy="50" r="45"/> <!-- the small clock face -->
       <g id="ticks">
         <!-- 12 hour tick marks -->
         <line x1='50' y1='5.000' x2='50.00' y2='10.00'/>
         <line x1='72.50' y1='11.03' x2='70.00' y2='15.36'/>
         <line x1='88.97' y1='27.50' x2='84.64' y2='30.00'/>
         <line x1='95.00' y1='50.00' x2='90.00' y2='50.00'/>
         <line x1='88.97' y1='72.50' x2='84.64' y2='70.00'/>
         <line x1='72.50' y1='88.97' x2='70.00' y2='84.64'/>
         <line x1='50.00' y1='95.00' x2='50.00' y2='90.00'/>
         <line x1='27.50' y1='88.97' x2='30.00' y2='84.64'/>
         <line x1='11.03' y1='72.50' x2='15.36' y2='70.00'/>
         <line x1='5.000' y1='50.00' x2='10.00' y2='50.00'/>
         <line x1='11.03' y1='27.50' x2='15.36' y2='30.00'/>
         <line x1='27.50' y1='11.03' x2='30.00' y2='15.36'/>

       <g id="smallticks">
         <line x1='150' y1='5.000' x2='150.00' y2='10.00'/>
         <line x1='195.00' y1='50.00' x2='190.00' y2='50.00'/>
         <line x1='150.00' y1='95.00' x2='150.00' y2='90.00'/>
         <line x1='27.50' y1='88.97' x2='30.00' y2='84.64'/>
         <line x1='11.03' y1='72.50' x2='15.36' y2='70.00'/>
         <line x1='105.000' y1='50.00' x2='110.00' y2='50.00'/> 
       <g id="numbers">
         <!-- Number the cardinal directions-->
         <text x="50" y="18">12</text><text x="85" y="53">3</text>
         <text x="50" y="88">6</text><text x="15" y="53">9</text>
       <!-- Draw hands pointing straight up. We rotate them in the code. -->
       <g id="hands"> <!-- Add shadows to the hands -->
         <line id="hourhand" x1="50" y1="50" x2="50" y2="24"/>
         <line id="minutehand" x1="50" y1="50" x2="50" y2="20"/>
         <line id="secondhand" x1="150" y1="50" x2="150" y2="20"/>


<script type='text/javascript'>
function c(val){
function v(val){
function e() {
try {
  c(eval(document.getElementById("d").value)) }
catch(e) {
  c('Error') } } 

       function updateTime() { // Update the SVG clock
         var now = new Date();
         var sec = now.getSeconds();
         var min = now.getMinutes();
         var hour = (now.getHours() % 12) + min/60;
         var secangle = sec*6;
         var minangle = min*6;
         var hourangle = hour*30;
         var actualMonth = now.getMonth() + 1;  
   //Prepare time output!
   document.theClock.theTime.value = ""
                                   + now.getHours() + ":"
                                   + now.getMinutes() + ":"
                                   + now.getSeconds();
  document.theClock.theDate.value = ""
                                   + now.getFullYear() + ":"
                                   + actualMonth + ":"
                                   + now.getDate();        
         // Get SVG elements for the hands of the clock
         var sechand = document.getElementById("secondhand");
         var minhand = document.getElementById("minutehand");
         var hourhand = document.getElementById("hourhand");
         // Set an SVG attribute on them to move them around the clock face
         hourhand.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + hourangle + ",50,50)");
   minhand.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + minangle + ",50,50)");
         sechand.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + secangle + ",150,50)");
         setTimeout(updateTime, 1000);

       /* These CSS styles all apply to the SVG elements defined below */
       #clock {
         /* styles for everything in the clock */
         stroke: black;
         /* black lines */
         stroke-linecap: round;
         /* with rounded ends */
         fill: #eef;
         /* on a light blue gray background */
       #face { stroke-width: 3px;}
       /* clock face outline */
    #smallface { stroke:green; stroke-width: 1px;}
       /* clock face outline */
       #ticks { stroke-width: 2; }
       /* lines that mark each hour */
    #smallticks { stroke:green; stroke-width: 1; }
       #hourhand {stroke-width: 5px;}
       /* wide hour hand */
       #minutehand {stroke: deepskyblue; stroke-width: 3px;} /* narrow minute hand */
       #secondhand {stroke:red; stroke-width: 1px;}
       #numbers {
         /* how to draw the numbers */
         font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 7pt; font-weight: bold;
         text-anchor: middle; stroke: none; fill: blue;
